
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Russian Bride for R.L. Ferguson of Wilkes County, July 25, 1923

Wilkes County Man Wins Russian Bride

By Associated Press

Moscow, July 18—One princess and one countess and 19 other girls having no titles but mostly members of former aristocratic Russian families, are on their way, or some day will go, to the United States as brides of Americans, in consequence of the two years’ “occupation” of Russia by the American Relief Administration.

Princess Chekodayava was married nearly a year ago to Ivor W. Wahren of East Walpole, Mass. She is still in Russia waiting the return of Mr. Wahren, who is coming back on commercial business. Countess Brobinskava, the bride of Philip Baldwin of Great Bend, Pa., left last week on a honeymoon with her husband to western Europe.

Other Americas who have married here include L. Carter of McCormick, S.C.; J. Reeves Childs of Lynchburg, Va.; W.E. Packer of Washington, D.C.; E.J.C. Anderson of Washington, D.C.; and R.L. Ferguson of Wilkes County, North Carolina.

From page 8 of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, July 25, 1923

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