
Monday, July 3, 2023

Full Stop Law at RR Crossing Being Ignored, Say Reporters, July 3, 1923

Full Stop Law Being Flagrantly Relaxed

Raleigh, July 2—If all the drivers of automobiles who failed to obey the law by coign to a full stop at the Seaboard-Southern railway crossing between Raleigh and Cary yesterday were hauled into court and convicted, their fines would amount to $19,600 and the gross imprisonment of the entire docket would be slightly more than 543 years, according to estimate of two reporters who watched the crossing to see how well the law was being observed. The law requiring drivers to bring all vehicles to a full stop at railroad crossings became effective yesterday.

The reporters estimated that 45 percent of the drivers passing the crossing brought their cars to a full stop this side of the rail, but few of them stopped outside the 50-foot limit imposed by the law.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, July 3, 1923

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