
Monday, July 3, 2023

Gov. Morrison's Summer Capital in Asheville, July 3, 1923

The Summer Capital at Asheville

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, July 3—With the removal for the summer months of Governor Morrison to Asheville, the executive office of the state temporarily will be in that city.

Governor Morrison’s office here will of course remain open and will be in charge of Secretary Richardson. The present office force also will remain in Raleigh. However, the interest which usually attaches to the presence of the executive will go the mountain city.

Governor Morrison plans to have a stenographer at the Grove Park Inn where he will maintain the summer capital, and he will be in close touch at all times with his Raleigh office. He plans it is said officially to return to Raleigh once or twice during the summer, the first visit to be the first Monday in August when he will be here for three days to hear petitions for pardons and communications of sentences of prisoners now in the custody of the state.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, July 3, 1923

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