
Monday, July 31, 2023

Good Schools as Sound an Investment for Farmers as Fertilizer, Machinery, Says Editor, July 31, 1923

A Sound Investment for Farmers

We hear a good deal these days about ways in which farmers can invest money in fertilizer, farm machinery, thoroughbred stock and the like so as to get a better return on their investment in land and labor. With this movement all who are interested in farm life are in agreement. More power and success to it? Speaking of investments, this is a good time for farmers to check up on the investment they are making in their school. Boys and girls need a better school home than the cattle and hogs; they need good tools, good blackboards, plenty of books, shop and noon-lunch equipment, and other things to work with. Most of all they need a good teacher—one who has a good education as a foundation and special training for teaching added to that. They need a school term nine months in length, too, and a teacher who has maturity and experience and native ability as well as education.

A good school investment pays a high return. Now is the time to consider this for next year’s school. Estimate the returns in terms of better and happier boys and girls on the farms.

From the editorial page of The Wilson Times, July 31, 1923, John D. Gold, editor.

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