
Monday, July 31, 2023

O.P. McArthur True Hero in Emporium Department Store Fire, July 31, 1923

Mr. McArthur Was a Real Hero

Asheville, July 27—O.P. McArthur, former Greensboro business man, who suffered a broken right ankle and left leg and was severely burned in the fire which destroyed the Emporium department store here was resting as well today as could be expected.

Clerks and others in the store give Mr. McArthur praise for his fearlessness and heroism in the face of danger. It develops that he was last to leave. While the fire was literally eating into his back he aided lady clerks to safety from the second floor window, screening them with his body from the flames. Mr. McArthur fell from a window ledge to the sidewalk below.

With the last trapped employe out of the building, Mr. McArthur leaped for the window. His clothing was on fire and his back was blistered. He seized the window ledge hoping to swing upon a ladder, but the hot stone burned his hands and he fell.

At the Mission hospital today it was reported that while Mr. McArthur was seriously hurt he will recover though it will be weeks before he is able to leave the institution.

From The Wilson Times, July 31, 1923

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