
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

KKK, With Members in All States, Aims to Restrict Immigration, July 17, 1923

Reports Show Klan Has Large Membership in United States

By the Associated Press

Asheville, July 16—The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan now has members in every state in the union and also in Alaska, officials stated tonight.

The conference now in session is the forerunner of annual sessions of grand dragons and great titans for considering the work of the organization.

With Dr. H.W. Evans and other imperial officers of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan present, a three days’ conference between the grand dragons and great titans of the invisible empire opened here today.

The conference is attended only by the men at the head of the klan in the various states of the country, about 40 states being represented.

This is the first important conference of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan at which the women of the Ku Klux Klan, recently chartered as a klan auxiliary have been represented. Mrs. Lula A. Markwell of Little Rock, Arkansas, grand commander of the women of the Ku Klux Klan and her official staff are present.

The conference which under the new constitution and by-laws adopted at Atlanta last November is the annual affair, the first of its kind to be held.

Plans for the activities of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the various realms of the invisible empire during the coming year will be discussed in detail at the sessions, all of which are executive.

The initial program was featured by an address by Imperial Wizard Dr. H.W. Evans, who spoke of the achievements of the order during the past six months and outlined work for the future. In his speech he stressed the fact that the klan had been unjustly branded as a lawless organization and declared that while the klan stood for the enforcement of all laws they wished these laws enforced only through the properly constituted officers. He said it is every Christian man’s duty to support their public officials. Dr. Evans also touched on the dangers of unrestricted immigration, saying that the klan would use every effort to curb the flood of undesirable aliens entering the United States. Plans for the creation of a nation-wide sentiment for better education throughout the country were also outlined by the imperial wizard. Imperial Klazik Brown Harwood, who has charge of the meeting, presided and briefly outlined what the conference proposes to do.

“Ten million Klansmen for America is the goal of this order,” Mr. Harwood said.

A majority of the imperial kloncilium, or executive committee of the klan, are present at the meeting. The afternoon program will consist of addresses on various subjects in connection with Klankraft by grand dragons and great titans in attendance.

From page 3 of the Durham Morning Herald, July 17, 1923

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