
Sunday, July 2, 2023

Mark McAdams to Captain Elon College Football Team, July 2, 1923

Mark McAdams

J. Mark McAdams to Lead Football Squad. . . Popular Athlete Chosen Captain—Coach Corboy Again to Train Football Team

J. Mark McAdams will lead the 1923 football team. Mr. McAdams is an athlete of exceptional ability and personality. He has been with the Elon College football team for the past three years, and the captaincy of the team came to him as a regard for his fine work on the team. He will be a member of the senior class.

Mark, as the students know him, is one of the most likeable men on the Hill, and he has the art of handling men. He understand the game, and will put into every contest the very best that is in him.

Football under such a leader as McAdams and with Coach F.B. Corboy to train the team ought to mean a great year for Elon in this field of sport. Coach Corboy is especially fitted for the teaching of football, and is one of the authorities of the state on football. He is a member of the national association of football coaches, being with the Fetzer brothers of the University of North Carolina, the three N.C. coaches now holding membership in this association.

Captain McAdams and Mr. Corboy are men with whom every high school boy with athletic aspirations and a love for clean, manly sportsmanship, will be proud to be associated.

From the front page of the Maroon and Gold, Elon College paper, July 2, 1923


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