
Sunday, July 2, 2023

Miss Kirkland Is Bride of Markwood Z. Rhodes of Dayton, Va., July 2, 1923

Marriage Solemnized at Bride’s Home Here. . . Miss Kirkland Weds M.Z. Rhodes—Many Friends Witness Pretty Ceremony

The West End Hall was the scene of a beautiful marriage here Wednesday evening, June 27, at 8:30 o’clock when Miss Mildred Louise Kirkland, only daughter of Mrs. Janet B . Kirkland, became the bride of Markwood Zirkle Rhodes of Dayton, Va.

The Hall was handsomely decorated, the color scheme of white and green being carried out with Queen Ann’s lace and fragrant white star jasmine intermingled with ferns and miniature pine trees. A lovely white arch was erected with white wedding bell suspended from the center, and the rays of light from many white candles cast a soft radiance over the scene of beauty.

Entering first was Miss Mary Graham Lawrence, dressed in orchid organdy wearing a corsage of sweet peas, who took her seat at the piano and rendered the wedding music, playing before the ceremony “to a Water Lily” by MacDowell. Miss Lucile Cardwell of North Wilkesboro cane next dressed also in organdy wearing sweet peas, who sang “June Is in My Heart” and Cadman’s “At Dawning.”

During the ceremony, which was spoken by Dr. N.G. Newman, “To a Wild Rose” was softly played. The bridal party entered in the following order: The two groomsmen, W.B. Terrell of Burlington and Rev. W.T. Scott of Greensboro, crossed before the arch and took their stand on either side. The bridesmaids, Misses Ethel Royster of Henderson in pea green organdy, and Doris McLean of Gibsonville in orchid organdy, wearing corsages of sweet peas and quaint poke bonnets, entered and took their positions with the groomsmen. The main of honor, Miss Gertrude Moffitt of Sanford, came next, attired in orchid organdy with hat to match and wearing sweet peas in corsage bouquet. The groom and his best man, T.W. Fishback of Dayton, Va., entered and took their stand on the right. The bride, attired in midnight blue poiret twill going away dress, with gray accessories, carrying a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley, entered with her brother, Gordon Kirkland, who gave her in marriage.

Mrs. Rhodes is a talented and accomplished young lady. She is a graduate of Elon and has also for the past year been a member of the music faculty of the college. Mr. Rhodes is also an Elon graduate. They will make their home at Dayton, Va., where Mr. Rhodes is engaged in business.

Among out-of-town guests present for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Kirkland, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Kirkland, Mr. and Mrs. G.F. Kirkland and Miss Mary Crocker of Durham; Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Betts of Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Kirkland of Durham, and Prof. E.M. Betts.

From page 2 of Maroon and Gold, Elon College paper, July 2, 1923

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