
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Mrs. Twiford Attempts Suicide Rather Than Appear at Police Court, July 23, 1923

Young Woman Tries to Commit Suicide

Mrs. Charles Twiford is in a critical condition at her home at 10 East Cypress street as a result of drinking a bichoride of mercury solution Monday morning. Early Monday morning Police Officer Harris went to the Twiford home and ordered Mrs. Twiford to appear in Monday’s session of police court. What is believed to have been an attempt on her part to commit suicide rather than comply with he summons followed.

A physician was hurriedly summoned, and Dr. Howard Combs arrived at the home within a half hour after the poison was taken. It will be several days, it is said, before it will be known whether or not her life can be saved.

Mrs. Twiford is a native of France, probably about 22 yers of age. Her husband, Charles Twiford, now chief engineer on the Virginia Dare, aged 27, is a world war veteran who married in France and brought his wife home with him. Since that time they have lived here happily to all appearances, though the husband’s work, in the nature of things, kept him away from home a great part of the time.

No formal warrant has been issued for Mrs. Twiford’s arrest and the only charge against her seems to have been that she was seen in an automobile on the outskirts of the city with two young married men at a late hour at night. It does not appear certain that any charge would have been pressed against her or even that she would have been used as a witness.

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Monday, July 23, 1923

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