
Monday, July 24, 2023

M.T. Bryant Injured by Car Driven by Sam Sharpe, July 24, 1923

Mr. Bryant Hurt by Automobile. . . Was Walking Along Road Near Sharp Curve on Elm City Road When He Was Struck by Car Driven by Sam Sharpe of Wilson

Mr. M.T. Bryant, a farmer residing just outside Wilson on the Elm City road, was injured about 1 o’clock this morning when he was struck by an automobile driven by Sam Sharpe, a colored man of Wilson. It is not thought Mr. Bryant’s injuries are serious. He received a scalp wound and various cuts and bruises. No bones are believed to be broken. He is a patient at a local hospital.

Mr. Bryant was curing tobacco on his place last night and according to his statement had started to the home of his brother nearby when the accident occurred. He was walking along the road with a lighted lantern in his hand. He stated that he heard the car coming and went to one side of the road, Sharpe’s car coming from Rocky Mount rounded the sharp curve of the road just beyond Wilson and struck mr. Bryant. Sharp stated that he turned to the right side of the road in an attempt to avoid Mr. Bryant but the latter stepped directly in front of his car. After being knocked down Mr. Bryant, who is a very large man, was dragged for some distance.

Sharpe stopped his car and offered any assistance possible. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ward and family came along on their way home from Rocky Mount and offered to help. They were asked to telephone a local hospital which they did. Dr. C.A. Woodard went to the scene and brought the man to town.

From the front page of The Wilson Times, July 24, 1923

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