
Friday, July 21, 2023

Social News by Ruth Farrell, Tri-City Gazette, July 21, 1923

Social and Personal

By Miss Ruth Farrell

Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hodges are spending the afternoon in Greensboro.

Misses Lucile and Henriet Reid are visiting relatives in Reidsville for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fulcher, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. King, Misses Katherine and Annie Waller, Nannie Burton, Gwendolyn Hampton and Mr. Forrest Yountz will spend the day Sunday at Lover’s Leap.

Mr. Walker Millner, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davison, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. Sam Taylor and sister, Mrs. Fowler, and Mr. Tom Wells are spending the day in Winston-Salem.

Mr. Tom Taylor of New York will arrive this afternoon to visit Dr. and Mrs. T.G. Taylor for several weeks.

Misses Bessie Clark and Florence Hobbs leave Monday for Winston-Salem to be the guests of Misses Minnie and Caroline Price for a week.

Mr. E.B. King and Miss Orene Fagge left yesterday for Buffalo Lithia Springs to spend several weeks.

Misses Lucile Price, Ruth Moir, and Jennie Fagge spent yesterday in Danville, shopping.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker of Reidsville were in Leaksville yesterday morning.

Mr. Sanford Fitz and Mr. A.B. Martin are spending the week end at Buffalo Lithia Springs.

Mrs. P.V. Godfrey entertains Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 in honor of her house guest Miss Brownie Meyers of Wishington, and Mrs. Lee Martin Jr., a recent bride of Leaksville.

Miss Mary Marshall entertains tonight a number of her young friends at a dance at her home on Bron Road.

Madame Treadway has returned to her home in Emporia after visiting her son, Mr. G.A. Treadway for the p ast week. Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Treadway and children and Mrs. Lottie Beeker accompanied her to Danville to spend the day.

The Reading circle of the Girls’ Auxiliary of the Leaksville Baptist church met Friday afternoon with Miss Ida Jones.

A very interesting program had been arranged, several readings by members of the society, a solo by Miss Roxie Barksdale, and several songs by the society. Mrs. Lottie Beeker, the leader, gave a very interesting talk on a chapter of the book, “Manuel From Mexico,” that the girls are studying. After the meeting a most delightful social hour was enjoyed, Miss Jones serving delicious sherbet, cake and bon bons.

The girls pasted pictures in a scrap book which is to go to the new Baptist hospital at Winston-Salem.

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Saturday, July 21, 1923. Wishington or Washington?

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