
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Cleve Hagler in Serious Condition, Aug. 19, 1923

Hagler’s Condition Regarded as Serious

Cleve Hagler, white man who was seriously injured last Thursday night when he fell off a truck of the highway commission near Hillsboro, was yesterday declared to be critical, although his condition was reported as showing improvement. His brother, J.B. Hagler of Midland, N.C., is expected tin the city ato attend his bedside, a message having been received yesterday from him asking for information on the injured man’s condition.

The accident occurred near Hillsboro Thursday night and he was immediately rushed to Watts hospital where medical aid was summoned. Friday morning he was operated on. He suffered a fractured skull.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Aug. 19, 1923

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