
Friday, September 22, 2023

Annual Get-Together Meeting at Salem College, Sept. 22, 1923

The Annual Get-Together Meeting

The “Get-Together” meeting on Saturday night had been eagerly looked forward to by old as well as new, for here was the first chance for the new girls to catch the meaning of Salem Spirit. Eloise Chesson, college cheer leader, led the Salem songs; “When We Meet Together,” “There Was a School in Salem Town,” and “Sociability.” Margaret Russell, president of the Student Council, Dr. Ronthaler, Mrs. Ronthaler, and Miss Stipe gave the new girls a hearty welcome.

Then came the Senior stunt, announced by Mary Bradham, president of the class. The first scene was from Freshman days spent in alcoves, and was followed by the Sophomore initiation. The lovesick Juniors were next presented at the annual Junior-Senior prom, with Mr. Hunt and Mr. Sessom, as ardent escorts. Then came the Seniors with their newly acquired caps and gowns, singing the processional quite out of tune.

The Juniors presented the Freshmen in a most unique and interesting manner. Ella Aston, the president, was stirring a large pot of Salem Spirit, while members of the class poured in essences from bottles labeled: Sociable, Athletic, Loyal, Enthusiastic, Merry, Smiling, Polite, Interesting, Resourceful, Industrious, Tactful. Each Freshman took a drink of Salem Spirit and was introduced to the new girls.

The Sophomores described a week’s schedule at Salem. Monday was represented as the day for shopping, Tuesday for study, Wednesday for Y.P.M, Thursday for soup, Friday for fish, Saturday for cold cream and curl papers, and Sunday for church.

From the front page of The Salemite, Salem College student newspaper, Sept. 22, 1923

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