
Friday, September 22, 2023

Leight, Hall and Southerland Elected to Student Government Assn., Sept. 22, 1923

First Meeting of Student Government Association. . . Three New Representatives Elected at the First Session

The Student Government Association held its first business session of the year on Monday afternoon at 1:30 in the Recreation Hall of the Alice Clewell Building. After the meeting was called to order by the President, Margaret Russell, the secretary, Mary Hill, called the roll. By the length of the roll and the many names almost unfamiliar to us, we realized that there were over 200 girls willing to sign the pledge of loyalty to our Association.

The president called especial attention to some of the rules that have been unconsciously violated by a few members.

Because of the failure of a few girls to return this year, it was necessary to elect three new officers. The Freshmen were asked to withdraw and the old girls settled to business. Soon the ballot returns were posted. Miss Elizabeth Leight, ’25, is the new treasurer. Misses Sophia Hall and Anna Southerland were the Council members for the Junior and Sophomore classes, respectively. We are proud of these three girls just chosen members of the Council that forms the nucleus of our student body and we know that they will fulfill their duty to the best of their ability.

The meeting was adjourned without any further business, but all were aware that the real College year had begun with the “St. G” as we affectionately call it.

From the front page of The Salemite, Salem College student newspaper, Sept. 22, 1923

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