
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Defense Rests in Case of Macon Dentist on Trial for Flogging, Sept. 26, 1923

Defense Rests in Case of Yarborough. . . Macon Dentist On Trial for Flogging Atrocity May Know His Fate Today

By Associated Press

Macon, Ga., Sept. 25—Taking of testimony in the case of Dr. C.A. Yarborough, charged with rioting in connection with he whipping of W.O. Barnett, proceeded so fast today that the defense at 6:20 o’clock announced it has run out of witnesses and asked for a recess until tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock. Attorneys after adjournment stated they expected the case to reach the jury stage by noon and that it was possible that the arguments would be concluded and the jury start consideration by night.

The state rested its case shortly after court convened for the afternoon and the defense at once began offering character witnesses in an effort to impeach witnesses. The state today declined to cross-examine any of the defense character witnesses and as a result the specific instances of alleged bad actions on the part of accusers of Dr. Yarborough were not brought out as in the trial two weeks ago of the Mills flogging case.

From the front page of The New Bernian, Sept. 26, 1923

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