
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Society Notes from the New Bernian, Sept. 26, 1923


The Debt

Because the years are few, I must be glad;

Because the silence is so near I sing;

‘Twere ill to quit an inn where I have had

Such bounteous fare, now pay my reckoning.

I would not from some gleaming parapet

Or Sirius or Vega bend my gaze

On a remembered sparkle and regret

That from it thanklessly I went ways

Up through the starry colonnades found

Violets in my Paradise more blue

|Than those that blossomed on waste ground

Nod vespers sweeter than the robins knew.

Through Eary be but an outpost of daylight,

Heaven’s wild frontier by tragedy beset.

Only a Shakespeare may her gifts requite

Only a happy Raphael pay his debt.

Yet I—to whom even as those are given

Cascading foam, emblazoned butterflies.

The moon’s pearl chariot through the massed clouds driven,

And the divinity of loving eyes—

Would make my peace now with mine hostess Earth

Give and take pardon for all brief annoy.

Poor that I am, a coin of golden joy.

--Katherine Lee Bates in the Atlantic Monthly for September


Mrs. M. J. Warren of Clarks, passed through New Bern last night en route home from Washington, where she visited friends for a few days.

Mrs. Phillip Howard left last night for Baltimore, to be at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. S.J. Morris, who was reported yesterday to be very ill.

Mr. Barrett D. Wilson arrived home last night from Raleigh, where he spent a few days on business.

Mrs. A.A. Paul passed through the city last night en route home to Beaufort from Washington where she spent several days with friends.

Mrs. Maude Howell and child left last night for Morehead City on a short visit.

Mr. F.W.Therkildson of Washington, N.C., left last night for Washington, D.C., for a conference with business connections.

Rev. C.W. Blanchard left last night for Goldsboro, where he was to spend the night, continuing to Warsaw today for a business visit.

Miss Florence Way left yesterday morning for Belhaven, where she will be the guest of relatives and friends for a week.

Mr. Jim Howard of Raleigh left last night, returning home after spending a few days here with his father, Mr. J.M. Howard.

Mr. J.H. McWilliams, traveling passenger agent for the Norfolk Southern railroad, left last night for Charlotte, after a short visit here.

Mr. Herbert Thornton, formerly of New Bern, now of Morehead City, spent yesterday in New Bern on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Taylor of Beaufort spent yesterday in the city shopping and visiting friends.

Mr. Taylor B. Attmore, superintendent of Pamlico county schools, spent yesterday afternoon in the city and attending the Rotary Club meeting last night.

Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Hill of Beaufort spent the afternoon here yesterday.

Capt. W.K. Hinnant and Mrs. Hinnant and friends motored to New Bern yesterday afternoon for a short visit, returning home to Beaufort in the evening.

Miss Clyde Neal returned home to Beaufort last night after shopping the afternoon here with friends.

Mr. Tom Mewborn of Kinston and Mr. N.G. Bartlett, secretary of the Eastern Carolina chamber of commerce, were visitors in New Bern last night, guests of the Rotary club.

Miss May C. Nelson of Chicago, Ill., is spending some time in the city the guest of her cousin, Mrs. J.D. McCoy on Craven street.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall and a party of friends motored to Bayboro to attend one of the revival meetings held last night by Rev. J.L. Hodges, pastor of Tabernacle Baptist church.

Mr. W.T. Keyser, secretary of the Kinston Fair association, was in New Bern yesterday on business connected with the fair.

From page 5 of The New Bernian, Sept. 26, 1923 -=-

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