
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Dr. R.O. Porter Testing Granville County Cows for Tuberculosis, Sept. 21, 1923

Slaughter of Cow Postponed Until Next Thursday. . . Ladies Are Invited to See This Tubercular Test

Dr. R.O. Porter, who is making tuberculosis tests in Granville, announces that one of the animals which reacted to the test, will be slaughtered next Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The cow was to have been killed next Saturday afternoon, but the farmers are so busy with their crops Dr. Porter thought it advisable to postpone the date until next Thursday afternoon, Sept. 26, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The demonstration will take place on Williamsboro road one mile east of Oxford. The public is invited, and arrangements have been made for the ladies to be present, so that they can see for themselves the ravages of the disease.

Mr. Porter states that he finds that the majority of the owners of cattle in Granville are anxious to have their cows subjected to the tubercular test.

The free picture shown at the Orpheumu last Wednesday afternoon, entitled “Out of the Shadows,” showing how cattle are tested, was largely attended, quite a number of people from the county being present.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Sept. 21, 1923


Fine Herd of Cattle. . . Not an Unsound Animal on Judge Graham’s Place

Dr. R.O. Porter of the United States Department of Agriculture, who is making a tuberculosis test of cattle in Granville, tested Judge Graham’s herd of 36 cattle last week and found all of them sound as a silver dollar. “There is not an unsound animal in the herd,” said Dr. Porter.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Sept. 21, 1923

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