
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Prevent Rabies During "Mad Dog Season" With Fresh Water and Food, Sept. 21, 1923

Mad Dog Season. . . See That Your Dog Gets Plenty of Fresh Water

We are now in the midst of the “mad dog” season, and regardless of whether you belong to that class of citizens who do not take any stock in such things, you owe it to the entire neighborhood, if you own a dog, to watch it more closely than usual. Dogs need more water at this season than any other time, and the dog owners should see that they get it. There should be no stray dogs, but if there are any in your neighborhood, see that they, too, get what water and food they need. Papers throughout the country contain notices of “mad dog” scares and physicians agree that such a thing as rabies exists in dogs not properly feed and watered through the fall months. There may be nothing in the “mad stone” application for hydrophobia, but there is danger from a dog bite, especially during the “mad dog season.” So see that water is placed where your dog can get it, and keep your eye on the stray dog for any unusual symptoms.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Sept. 21, 1923

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