
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Farmers' Days in Reidsville, Sept. 6 and 7, 1923

Farmers’ Days in Reidsville on Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7, Will be Red-Letter Days

Program for the Two Big Days

September 6

Registration of all exhibits to be made by 11 a.m.

11:15 a.m.—Address of welcome by P.W. Glidewell

12 to 1 p.m.—Lunch

2 p.m.—Judging of exhibits and awarding of prizes

4 p.m.—Address by Rev. H. DeC. Mazyck of Mayoden

7 p.m. to 1 a.m.—Dancing and music

September 7th

Registration of all contestants for comic prizes up to 11 a.m.

11:15 a.m.—Address by J.M. Sharp

12 to 1 p.m.—Lunch hour

2 p.m. judging of contestants in comics and awarding of prizes

3 p.m.—Address by Rev. W.E. Abernethy of Leaksville

3:30 p.m.—Beauty contest judging

7 p.m. Masquerade—contest for prizes

11 p.m.—Closing

The above program will be rendered here during Farmers’ Days on Thursday and Friday of this week.

Rest rooms for ladies and children, especially mothers with little babies, can be found upstairs over Hubbard’s store in the C. & A. Hall. Plenty of cold water, washing facilities, good chairs, places for mothers and children to lie down and rest. You will be welcome. No cost.

Every merchant and business man is expected to do his part in welcoming the people into Reidsville, to make no excuses for not doing it, we are all on our good behavior and our undivided actions and activities will be shown as to how we stand as relates to Reidsville welfare.

We have the opportunity to render service, hospitality and loads of good humor. Let’s go and to it and put it in the right spirit, all together, pulling for Reidsville’s good and good only. Don’t sit idly by and criticize but get up and get out, mingle with the people, be one of them, and one of Reidsville’s “us.”

“Leadership cannot, no matter how brilliant, carry progress far ahead of the average of the mass of individual units. Progress of the community is the sum of progress in its individuals. Acts and ideas that lead to progress are born out of the womb of the individual mind, not out of the mind of the crowd.”—Herbert Hoover.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Sept. 5, 1923.

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