
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

News Briefs from Person, Sept. 20, 1923


Mr. Land of Leaksville is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Louis C. Allen.

Dr. and Mrs. J. Mell. Thompson of Mebane were here a short while this morning.

Mr. Joseph S. Holt carried his son Eugene to Chapel Hill Tuesday, where the latter will enter school.

Mrs. J.A. Thompson came home from Chester on account of the illness of her father, Mr. Wm. F. Ezeli.

Mr. Wm. J. Stockard, near Saxapahaw, was in town Wednesday. He is one of the county’s oldest citizens.

Mr. J. Dolph Long and Maj. J.J. Henderson went to Sanford Wednesday afternoon to attend legal business.

Rev. and Mrs. G.M. Daniel and Misses Gertrude Smitherman and Carrie Sanders were shoppers in Greensboro last Saturday.

Col. and Mrs. Jacob A. Long and Dr. and Mrs. W.S. Long Jr. spent last Sunday at the home of Mrs. James Peay near Pittsboro.

Mrs. H.W. Scott and children and her sister, Miss Mamie Turner, returned last Friday from a stay of 10 or 12 days at Black Mountain.

Miss Elize Thompson, in school at Greensboro College for Women, spent the week-end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Thompson.

William and James Taylor and Raymond Tinnin of Graham and Everette Kirkpatrick of Swepsonville left Tuesday for Trinity College, Durham, to enter school.

Mr. and Mrs. Junius H. Harden, Mrs. J.D. Kernodle, Mrs. J.B. Montgomery and Boyd Harden spent last Sunday afternoon in Greensboro at the home of Judge and Mrs. Jas. E. Boyd.

Mrs. R.P. Holt of Rocky Mount, State President of Daughters of the Confederacy, spent a day here, the latter part of last week, with Mrs. J. Dolph Long, President of the local Chapter.

Mrs. W.L. Cooper returned Sunday night from a visit of two weeks to her son, Mr. John A. Cooper in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Mr. Cooper met her in Greensboro and brought her home by auto.

Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Jones of Thomasville are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Rogers. Mr. Jones is supervising the construction of the concrete reservoir for the town.

Maj. J.J. Henderson and Ens. M.H. Kernodle went to Lumberton last Friday and returned Sunday. They brought back with them Mrs. Henderson and little daughter Cora Emmaline, who went to Lumberton a week before.

Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Parker Jr., and daughter Miss Caroline, Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson and daughter, Miss Eleanor, Mrs. J. Dolph Long, Mrs. J.W. Menefee, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Stratford, Mrs. Frank Hunsicker, and Misses Luta Harden and Izora Nicholson, from here, spent Tuesday in Greensboro.

Dr. and Mrs. J. Everett Brady of Smith College, Amherst, Mass., after spending some two weeks here visiting the former’s mother and sister, Mrs. M.J. Brady and Mrs. J.L. Scott Jr., left Monday for Greensboro to visit his other sister, Mrs. B.S. Robertson, and niece, Mrs. Chas. W. Causey. Later Dr. and Mrs. Brady will go south to spend some time in Florida. Dr. Brady is on a year’s leave of absence and most of the time will spent in travel.

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Thursday, Sept. 20, 1923

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