
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Annie Simpson's Birthday Party Has Halloween Theme, Oct. 31, 1923

Birthday Celebrated in Hallowe’en Style. . . Miss Annie Simpson Honored by Girls; Misses Sockwell and Ballentine Are Charming Hostesses

Tuesday night a group of girls sat in a dimly lighted, bewitched room. There were cats and witches riding their brooms all over the walls and ceiling. The purpose of the gathering was not only to help the hostesses, Misses Ballentine and Sockwell, celebrate the coming night of witches and ghosts, but to honor Miss Simpson on her birthday.

The party was merrily started by a dip into the unknown. By some mysterious means the guests were each informed of the initials of her future husband. Then there was revealed to them the future occupations of these fortunate men. To make sure that all present would accurately place their affections, a description of teach future husband was given. There were some incongruous combinations. Naturally the girls were a little excited over all this suddenly acquired information. The Dean of Women casually passed by the room and then she decided to go in. Yes, she came in and joined the fun. The secret was revealed that her future husband is red-headed.

Delicious refreshments were served. The guest of honor cut her birthday cake and all partook of it. After this she was the center of attraction as she dutifully received the usual tokens contributing toward a happy birthday at Elon.

Those present were Misses Mamie Sockwell, Margaret Joe Ballentine, Annie Simpson, Ruth Crawford, Margaret Corbitt, Clara Tuck, Essie Cotton, Della Cotton, Sarah Carter, Mary Hall Stryker, Doris McLean, Nannie Aldridge, Rose Fulghum, Alice Barrett and Victoria Adams.

From page 3 of Maroon and Gold, Elon College newspaper, Oct. 31, 1923

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