
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Maroon and Gold Wins Over Emory and Henry Eleven, 6 to 0, Oct. 31, 1923

Maroon and Gold Machine Is Victor Over Emory and Henry Eleven in Home Field Battle. . . Game Ends 6 to 0. . . Poor Playing on Both Sides with Many Fumbles—Kirkland Scores for Elon. . . Whitesell Works Well. . . 33 Forward Passes Attempted, 11 Completed—Elon is Master of the Field Throughout

Emory and Henry was defeated on the gridiron here Saturday by Elon by a 6-0 score in an exceedingly poorly played game, fumbles and a large majority of incompleted forward passes marring the contest.

Elon was master of the field throughout, and were never in danger of being scored upon except in the last four minutes of play when a long forward pass was completed by Emory and Henry, Lawrence to Viall. Viall, however, after a pretty run, fumbled the ball on Elon’s 10-yard line, Elon recovering. Elon punted out of danger. At all other periods, Elon was on the aggressive.

A total of 33 forward passes were attempted by both teams, only 11 of which were completed. Of this number the home team failed on 13 out of 19 attempts. The visitors were held to three first downs from scrimmage, and one as a result of a forward pass. Twelve first downs were registered for the Christians.

The Virginians received at the opening of the initial period but where held for downs, the pig-skin going over to Elon, who carried it through the Emory and Henry line for a touchdown, Kirkland carrying the ball over. An attempted forward pass for the extra point failed and the scoring ceased. At three times during the fray Elon carried the ball to the visitors’ 10-yard line but were there held from the goal.

First Half

Elon kicked off to Emory and Henry. Emory and Henry were held for downs. With straight football Elon was able to rush the ball across the line for the only score of the game. Kirkland carried the ball. Elon attempted a forward pass for the extra point, but failed, the ball striking the cross bar of the posts.

Elon then received and when unable to gain thorough the line they punted. Three first downs in succession put Emory and Henry on Elon’s 20-yard line, but the Christians tightened and held for downs. The quarter ended with the ball on Elon’s 30-yard line.

Second Half

Emory and Henry kicked. Elon had an advantage in exchange of punts. Emory and Henry muffed a beautiful punt and Elon covered.

The last quarter began with a rush. The Emory and Henry squad was showing real fight in this period of the game. They made several gains around the end and through the line. It was in this final quarter than Emory and Henry’s only real chance to score came. This was the result of a forward pass which, with a pretty run, put the ball on Elon’s 10-yard line, only to lose it by fumbling. Elon quickly punted out of danger and the game ended with both teams battling near the center of the field.

Elon failed to display the form in this game that she showed against Hampden-Sidney. There was very little team-work in evidence. Whitesell’s good work in throwing the visitors for losses repeatedly was the only exceptional playing in the game.

Line-up and Summary

Elon Position Emory and Henry

R. Brown Left end Viall

Whitesell Left tackle Cole

Allston Left guard Hillman

Braxton Center Hull

Barker Right guard Davis

Smith Right tackle Bodony

Brown, A Right end Lawrence

Kirkland Quarterback Oates

Sides Left halfback Bailey

McAdams Fullback Wolfe

Scoring for Elon, touchdown, Kirkland.

Substitutions: Elon—Hiatt for Kirkland, Cardwell for Barker. Emory and Henry—none.

Referee, Whitaker (N.C.S.). Headlinesman, J.V. Dabbs (Vanderbilt). Umpire, Rowe (Gettysburg).

From the front page of Maroon and Gold, Elon College newspaper, Oct. 31, 1923

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