
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Dr. Weaver Discusses History of Chowan College, Oct. 25, 1923

Chowan College Enjoys 75th Birthday. . . Impressive Program Rendered in College Auditorium; Hale and Hearty and More Active Than Ever

An impressive program was rendered in the College Auditorium to commemorate the founding of the institution on October 11, the college having begun its existence Oct. 11, 1848.

The college song was sung with enthusiasm suitable to the occasion. And then Mr. J.C. Larkin, pastor of the Murfreesboro Methodist church, gave a timely and instructive sermon on “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; they shall be filled.” Next on the program was a violin solo, “Largo” by Miss Caroline Lane. After this Dr. Weaver discussed briefly the history of Chowan College.

“Chowan College, then known as Chowan Female Collegiate Institute,” said Dr. Weaver, “was founded and chartered October 11, 1848. In our first catalogue, session 1853-54 the aims of the college were set forth as follows: ‘The Institution is located in one of the most healthful sections of eastern Carolina, and in a community distinguished for its moral character. It is established for holy purposes: to discipline mind; instrumentally, to sanctify mind, and then to direct its strengthened energies. The latter are regarded as of paramount importance, as transcendent talent, without moral culture, produces only evil. That system of education is, therefore, radically defective which neglects the heart. The true system contemplates a symmetrical development of the faculties—physical, intellectual, and moral—and has regard to the whole sum of our existence. Such a system we would have.’

“We have, concluded Dr. Weaver, “held these ideals sacred. Chowan College has graduated hundreds of women, many of whom have either become prominent themselves or become the wives and mothers of men who have distinguished themselves in the history of the State and denomination. With the memory of such past achievements ever before us, it is not inconceivable that our college life in the future will be richer and fuller of those ideals and aspirations which will make of our college a greater institution both for enlightenment of the mind and spirit and for intelligent service to the communities from which we come.”

A prayer for the future of the College by Mr. Whitley concluded the exercises.

From the front page of the Chowanian, Chowan College’s newspaper, Murfreesboro, N.C., Oct. 25, 1923

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