
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Some Chowan Graduates from Classes 1854-1869

Some Famous Women of Chowan

“The good that men do, lives after them.” This has ever been the case with Chowan College. Character building has ever been the case with Chowan College. Character building has always been her aim. She is recognized as great because of her finished product. The noble women who have gone out from her walls in the past prove that her aims and Christian endeavor have not been in vain.

A few of her former graduates are:

Class of 1854

Elizabeth Hargrove (Mrs. I.B. Lake) now living with her son, Professor James Lake, head of the department of physics at Wake Forest. Mrs. Lake’s husband was for many years president of the Roanoke (now Averett) College at Danville, Va.

Class of 1855

Amaret Reese (Mrs. P.S. Henson). Dr. Henson was a teacher in the institution for a number of years. Soon after his marriage after the war, he went to Philadelphia, and was for a number of years pastor of the great Walnut Street Baptist Church there. Later, he went to the first Baptist Church of Chicago, and from there, he became pastor of the Tremont Temple Baptist Church, Boston. Mrs. Henson is now living at Lincoln, Ill.

Class of 1856

Fannie G. Brinson, married Dr. T.H. Pritchard, a prominent minister in North Carolina and for many years the president of Wake Forest College.

Class of 1858

Louisa Cobb, married Mr. N.B. Cobb. She was the mother of Dr. Collier Cobb, professor of geology at the University of North Carolina.

Class of 1860

Fannie Neal is now Mrs. F.M. Saunders of Washington, N.C.

Class of 1861

Annie P. Thompson, now Mrs. T.B. Boushell, is living in Norfolk, Va. She is the mother two of Chowan’s most loyal alumnae and of Mr. Joseph Boushell, Raleigh, N.C.

Class of 1867

Dora Askew, Mrs. T.G. Wood, is now living in Winton, N.C. Mrs. Wood’s father and sisters were always loyal friends to the college, and Mr. Wood at one time was trustee of the college and pastor of the local Baptist church. He was always a loyal friend of the college.

Class of 1868

Angie B. Ferebee, one of the first trustees of the college and at the same time a warm and ardent friend of the institution.

Lucy H. Owen, Mrs. D.A. Robertson, is now president emeritus of Greensboro Women’s College. Mrs. Robertson has done a wonderful work for the cause of education in North Carolina. She was president of the college when it was burned on the night of February, 1904. Through her undaunted courage, indomitable perseverance, she led the alumnae in the struggle to rebuild, and the institution will ever be a tribute to her. She is still teaching in the institute.

Class of 1869

Pauline Mitchell, Mrs. C.W. Mitchell, is now living in her home in Aulander. She is a daughter of W.W. Mitchell, second president of the college, and for years was the mainspring of its existence. She married Mr. C.W. Mitchell, a farmer president of the college, who was also one of the greatest friends the college ever had.

Bettie Mitchell, Mrs. Thomas Vann, is now living near Aulander, N.C., and is a sister of Mrs. C.W. Mitchell.

From page 2 of the Chowanian, Chowan College’s newspaper, Murfreesboro, N.C., Oct. 25, 1923

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