
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

36 Tobacco Growers Before Judge Lane of Superior Court, Nov. 21, 1923

Tobacco Growers Before the Court in Winston-Salem

Thirty-six cases were brought before Judge Henry P. Lane of the Superior court Saturday afternoon by the Co-operative Tobacco Growers Association, against members of the association who were charged with not complying with their contracts. Of this number 20 were continued for a hearing before a jury, six were given final judgment by the court; three were given judgment dissolving bonds of contract, and seven were continued to the term of December 10th.

In the six final judgments given against W.M. Jackson, T.W. Webb, R.O. Davis and T.W. Davis of Stokes county, and Luther Hicks and L.T. Spears of Yadkin, the defendants were ordered to pay five cents on the pound together with the fees for attorneys and costs because of broken contracts.

In handing down his decision in these cases, Judge Lane ruled that where tenant farmers are members of the association and the land owners are not members, the land owners holding the liens for supplies furnished or chattel mortgages against the crop, then the tenants can be enjoined, but the injunction only applies to such part of the crop in excess of the lien for supplies or the chattel mortgage.

Judgements of dissolution of contract were given in the cases against J.D. Shutt and S.P. Venable, both of Stokes county, and N.T. Tally of Forsyth.

The seven cases cited to continue till the December term of the Superior court are against J.R. Davis, B.R. Bennett, Sid P. Bennett and M.T. Meadows, all of Stokes, and Y.A. Phillips, E.D. Booth and R. Laws, all of Yadkin.

Twenty restraining orders were issued against defendants all of whom live in Stokes county. Those were issued to the following: K.D. Watts, E.E. Willard, Roscoe Nance, C.L. Slaughter, C.C. Cox, M.G. Covington, Roy Fulk, ?? Throckmorton, Sam Flippen, John Cox, J.H. Sapp, Watt Martin, Charles L. Nance, Jesse Davis, S.A. Ayers, J.W. Wilkes, John G. Smith and L.F. Fulk. Roy Fulk gave notice of appeal to the Supreme court.


From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Nov. 21, 1923

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