
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Someone's Started Movement to Pardon W.D. Covington, Nov. 21, 1923

Movement Is Started to Get Parole for W.D. Covington

A movement has been started to win a parole for W.D. Covington, Rockingham county officer who last February was convicted in the Pittsylvania circuit court for shooting George Bryant. The officer with others had pursued Bryant from North Carolina into Virginia after the latter had opened fire on officers, and Covington killed the man. He was sentenced to serve five years.

The first intimation that such a movement is being made was revealed in a letter which J.W. Estlow, one of the jurors in the case, received from Governor Trinkle asking him for an expression on the case, also whether he would concur in the petition. Mr. Estlow states that he is not prepared to agree to a pardon at this time. Three other officers who were indicted in connection with this case have not been tried though their cases are still pending.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Nov. 21, 1923

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