
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Do Women Understand Football? We Think Not, Say Editors, Nov. 29, 1923

Word comes from neighboring women’s colleges that hundreds of girls will be here in all their finery, and this brings up the be-whiskered question: Why do girls like football? Are they really interested in the game itself, or is it the furs, frills, and feathers that attract them? Do the jerseyed, leather-helmeted warriors attract them more than the fashion display? Can a woman give an intelligible account of the game? We think not.

However, the fact remains that girls, no matter how ignorant of Spaulding’s guide book and the finer points of football, are just thrilled with a big game, the men, the stupid beasts, continue to invite them.

From the editorial page of The Tar Heel, Chapel Hill, N.C., Nov. 29, 1923

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