
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Evidence Suggests Murder in Death of Lindsey Harrell, 76, Nov. 23, 1923

Evidence to Indicate Harrell Was Murdered. . . Buncombe Hermit Found Lying in Pile of Trash and Ashes With Throat Cut

Asheville, Nov. 21—Theories of suicide and murder growing out of the mysterious death of Lindsey Harrell, 76 year old, in Haw Creek several days ago, have failed to offer a solution, Sheriff J.A. Lyerly said today.

Harrell was found lying in a heap of trash and ashes near his two-room log cabin in which he lived like a hermit for some time. No weapon was found, although a close search was made of the area for many hundred yards around.

While relatives of the aged man, living several hundred yards below him in the cove, suggested that he killed himself, the sheriff is inclined to believe the deep knife wounds in his throat and side were inflicted by a younger and stronger hand. The man was stabbed in the throat and twice in the side.

The wounds were evidently inflicted while Harrell was near the spot where he was found later, for a large pool of blood was there.

Following the coroner’s inquest and the verdict of the coroner’s jury that the old man came to his death from knife wounds inflicted by unknown hands, the relatives were permitted to bury the body several days after the tragedy.

From page 2 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Friday, November 23, 1923.

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