
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Frances Overton, 19, Missing Since Last Night, Found Visiting C.E. Helms, Nov. 23, 1923

iss Overton Found After Long Search. . . Daughter of Captain Overton of Salisbury Is Found at Home of C.E. Helms, Near Salisbury

Salisbury, Nov. 28—Miss Frances Overton, 19-year-old daughter of Captain and Mrs. W.S. Overton, was located this afternoon at the home of C.E. Helms, several miles south of the city after a search that continued from early last night.

Miss Overton was at her Fulton Street home at 7 o’clock last evening but at 7:30 when she was called to supper she did not respond. Her mother thought she had stepped to a neighbor’s but as the night wore on and she did not return, a search was instituted. Local officers joined in the search and descriptions of the young lady were sent to 15 towns and cities in this section. This afternoon she was found at the home of Mr. Helms, a former neighbor of the Overtons. She had hailed an automobile driven by Ray Sloop and had ridden with him to his grandfather’s where she left the car saying she was going to Florida. Instead she stopped at the Helms’ home for a visit.

Miss Overton had been in ill health for some time and had been in a hospital recently. Her father, Captain Overton, is a veteran passenger conductor on the western division of the Southern.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Friday, November 23, 1923. If this is the Nov. 23 newspaper, how can this story be labeled Nov. 28??

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