
Monday, November 27, 2023

Fallen Woman Loses Custody of Her Children, Must Leave N.C. by Dec. 1, 1923

The Sad Case of a Fallen Woman. . . She Must Leave the State. . . Her Two Children Are at the County Home of the Aged and Infirm

Lucy Eastwood, 35 or 40 years of age and wrinkled and torn by debauchery, was found guilty in Granville County Superior Court last week of conduct unbecoming a woman while residing in Oak Hill township. Judge Devin gave her an undetermined sentence of two years in the county jail, and later instructed Judge Hunt, clerk of court, to demand the surrender of her two children to his custody and for her to leave the State by the first of December.

This poor fallen woman has two pretty little daughters, 10 and 13 years of age respectively. They were sent out to the County Home for the Aged and Infirm until Judge Hunt can find someone to adopt and care for them. They are bright little girls and if given a half chance they will bring sunshine to any Christian home.

Mr. Sam Daniel, the big-hearted Superintendent of the County Home, relates how the two little girls spent their first night at the County Home. After they had been bathed and properly gowned, Mrs. Daniel gave them a comfortable room and bed with fresh sheets and pillows. Before retiring the two little sisters fell upon their knees and with up-turned faces implored God to return their mother to them. The prayers touched the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Daniel and they gathered the little ones to their arms and soothed them the best they could.

Again the little girls fell upon their knees and thanked God for their newly found father and mother.

“These children must have a chance in the world,” said Mr. Daniel and what he says goes.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1923

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