
Monday, November 27, 2023

Folks Looking for "Christmas Cheer" Keeping Oxford Area Moonshiners Busy, Nov. 27, 1923

Christmas Comes But Once a Year. . . The Woods Are Full of Moonshiners

According to the belief of Constable E.N. Bragg and other officers, there will be much activity on the part of the moonshiners from now until Christmas.

Leaving aside all considerations of the rights and wrongs of the Volstead principle, it seems a bit strange that many people should look with some misgivings toward a Christmas season in which they may be unable to get drunk.

Good cheer is what they call the stuff that comes from the back woods of the county.

“How many quarts at so much per quart do you want for Christmas” is a question that is being asked in this community.

You may believe it or not, but there are a number of people in Oxford who are so tightly wound up, so strained in their nervous organizations that they cannot be gay or happy even in the greatest of holiday seasons, without first taking successive doses of alcohol.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1923

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