
Monday, November 27, 2023

Granville County Looking for Shareholders for 10,000 Egg Hatchery, Nov. 27, 1923

To Install Hatchery. . . Capacity 10,000 Eggs. . . Capital Stock of $2,000 Is Being Placed at $5 Per Share

At a meeting of the board of directors of the Granville County Produce Exchange, held last Saturday, Messrs. J.Y. Crews and J.H. Blackwell, county agent, were directed to collect funds to install a hatchery with a capacity of 10,000 eggs. It was stated that the hatchery will be the property of those who own stock, the hatchery to cost $2,000 and the shares are $5 each. It is the desire of the board to place as much of the capitol stock in the hands of the farmers as possible, the hatchery to be known as a community hatchery and there will be a small charge for hatching.

The meeting was very enthusiastic, all agreeing that the hatchery is the only way by which eggs and poultry can be raised for commercial purposes. Messrs. Crews and Blackwell placed some of the capitol stock yesterday and could have sold more for large sums, but the desire is to get as many farmers interested in the enterprise as possible. Those desiring shares will see Mr. Crews or Mr. Blackwell at once, so as to install the hatchery before Christmas.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1923.

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