
Sunday, November 19, 2023

Reidsvlle Militiamen Celebrate, Nov. 19, 1923

Reidsville Militiamen Have Annual Banquet

After an hour and a half of snappy drill, the local military boys marched in regular company formation to the Belvedere Hotel where they enjoyed a delightful five course dinner.

Ex-Captain W.B. Millner invoked divine blessing, and the company in unison sang “America.” After the second course Fred Price sang an old over sea song entitled “Bed Bugs, Crocodiles, An’ Everything.” After the fourth course had been stored away, a short talk was made by Capt. A.H. Gwyn, company commander, on militaryism, which was very interesting. Former Capt. R.G. Gladstone talked of the improvement in the organization over the company he commanded. Ex-Captain W.B. Millner received a great ovation when he spoke on military tactics. Capt. James H. Mobley, of the state staff, talked on the necessities and benefits of the guardsmen in the community.

After these interesting talks were made (word obscured) Price, on special request, sang “My Rosary” in falsetto. He sang so beautifully he received a tremendous applause, in answer to which he rendered “In My Baby’s Arms.”

The company sang “Old Black Joe” for the closing number.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, Nov. 19, 1923

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