
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Americans Going to Hell in Carload Lots, Says Billy Sunday. Blames Bootleggers, Love of Money, Immigrants, Dec. 31, 1923

Americans Going to Hell in Carload Lots. . . That’s What Billy Sunday Tells His Charlotte Audience, Raps Foreign Immigration

Charlotte, Dec. 30—This afternoon Mr. Sunday said, “The man who buys whiskey from a bootlegger is just as bad as the bootlegger, he is as black as he can be.”

Speaking of apostolic succession, he said:

“If there’s anything that makes me tired it is talk about apostolic succession. Henry the Eighth of England was a Roman Catholic. He wanted to divorce his wife and marry another woman, and the pope wouldn’t let him, so he organized a church of which he was the head, calling it the Church of England, or Episcopal church.”

Mr. Sunday’s text tonight was “Thou Art Weighed in the Balances and Found Wanting.” In describing Belshazzar’s feast, he said “that there was no common lager beer, pretzel, wienerwurst blowout, that was a bunch of high rollers who went to the feast.”

Referring to America’s revels and feast, he said, “America is making money by the bucketfuls, but we are going to hell in car lots on excursion rates, the lying for money, the boarding of money, the envy of money, the adultery for money, is sending America to hell.”

In reference to breaking the Sabbath he said, “we have stopped out ears and are rushing the stampeding cattle down to hell.” There has been a fearful letting down in tis country in 25 years and foreign immigration is largely responsible.

From the front page of the Concord Times, Monday, Dec. 31, 1923

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