
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Doyle Moore Kills 5-Year-Old Twin Brother Charles While Playing with Loaded Shotgun, Dec. 31, 1923

Twin Boy Accidentally Kills His Little Brother. . . Little Charles Moore Shoots Brother with Shotgun at Wilson Home

Wilson, Dec. 29—Funeral services over the remains of Master Charles, the 5-year-old twn son of Dr. and Mrs. Karl C. Moore—who was accidentally killed by his twin brother, Doyle, while playing with a loaded .44 shot gun Friday afternoon, was conducted from his late home on West Nash Street this afternoon by Rev. E.W. Baxter, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. The remains were interred in Maplewood cemetery beneath a mound of fragrant flowers.

(The child was a nephew and namesake of Mr. Doyle B. Privett of Plainsfield, N.J., who is well known in Concord, and is a son-in-law of Mr. J.B. Sherrill. --Editor

From the front page of the Concord Times, Monday, Dec. 31, 1923

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