
Saturday, December 30, 2023

Bailey to Seek Democratic Nomination for Governor, Dec. 30, 1923

Bailey Dissolves Firm Connections

Raleigh, Dec. 29—Announcement was made late today from the law office of Pou, Bailey, and Pou of the dissolution of the firm. It is the formal preliminary to the announcement of the candidacy of the Raleigh lawyer for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination.

“I guess the people will understand it,” Mr. Bailey told inquiring newspapermen. Mr. Pou and his son, James H. Pou Jr., will continue the firm practice, and Mr. Bailey will have separate offices in the Tucker building.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Dec. 30, 1923. North Carolina had three Democratic governors in the 1920s: Thomas W. Bickett, 1917 to 1921; Cameron A. Morrison, 1921 to 1925; and Angus W. McLean, 1925-1929.

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