
Saturday, December 30, 2023

Smallpox Victim Who Broke Quarantine Sentenced to 60 Days Hard Labor on the Roads, Dec. 30, 1923

Broke Quarantine; Given a Road Term. . . A.L. Parrish to Serve 60 Days on the Roads for Violation of Ordinance

Setting a precedent in Durham county court annals, A.L. Parris, young Wake county man who contracted smallpox in this city several weeks ago and then broke quarantine to return to his native cunty, was tried before Recorder P.C. Graham on Saturday morning and sentenced to serve 60 days at hard work on the Durham county roads.

This is the first case of its kind to come up in a local court. It is declared that the young man by his wanderings when broken out with the disease exposed scores of persons. His father resides in East Durham and it was while visiting here that he became stricken. He was found at a Wake county saw mill after a search of several days and brought back to Durham.

Other Cases

Police report that calm after the Christmas holiday storm has set in and few arrests and violations of the law are made. Recorder’s court, therefore, experienced a slack day on Saturday morning.

Emma Carr, charged with obtaining advances, was tried and found not guilty.

Calvin Harris is to be tried on January 4 under three charges, according to continuance granted by the court. He is charged with assault and battery, illegal possession of whiskey, and assault and battery with a deadly weapon.

The trial of Ernest Patterson and Nellie Burnett, negro couple at whose house over 30 gallons of whiskey was found recently, will be tried also on January 4, continuance being made from Saturday morning.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Dec. 30, 1923

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