
Sunday, December 24, 2023

Caroline Schmidt, 25, Advertises for a Husband, Dec. 24, 1923

Girl Advertises to Get Husband; Crowd So Big Cop Directs Traffic

Pittsburgh, Dec. 24—Carolina Schmidt, 25, a fraulein recently arrived from Wittenberg, Germany, advertised through a newspaper as follows: “Will open bids for my fair hand Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.”

Hordes of suitors, most of them claiming to be ex-German soldiers who have arrived in this country since the war and who want a German wife adept at German cooking, have besieged Fraulein Schmidt’s home in an effort to put in their “bid.”

So great did the procession become that the cop on the beat kindly consented to “direct traffic among the suitors” for a time.

The sister of Miss Schmidt, in whose home the latter is staying, has set aside a “courtin’” room.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, Monday, Dec. 24, 1923. I find it interesting that immigrants accepted in the U.S. following W.W.I were the German soldiers we fought against.

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