
Sunday, December 24, 2023

Lexington Will Get New Orphanage, Announce Junior Order, Dec. 24, 1923

Lexington Chosen by Juniors for the Orphanage

Sunday afternoon at 6 o’clock a telegram was received by the Lexington Junior Order committee stating that Lexington had been unanimously selected as the site for the new Junior Order orphanage.

The telegram is as follows: “The committee on site for National Orphans Home have unanimously selected the site offered by your committee at Lexington. Accept my congratulations. Letter will follow.—J.D. Tunison”

The new home at Lexington will immediately house 500 orphans and later the capacity will be increased to 1,000. The initial expenditure by the Juniors will be $500,000, and the total cost will be a million dollars.

The site selected is three miles from Lexington and contains 200 acres.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, Monday, Dec. 24, 1923

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