
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Davie Frazier Orders Gun, Lands in Prison, Dec. 20, 1923

Negro Orders Pistol and Lands in Prison

Warrenton, Dec. 18—Buying a pistol from a mail order house in attempt to evade the State law requiring a permit in order to purchase a weapon, is keeping Davie Frazier, colored, of Norlina in the county jail at Warrenton until he is able to pay a fine of $50 and costs.

Frazier, who is a brakeman on the Seaboard Air Line, decided he needed a pistol in his work. The high cost of obtaining a permit, or possibly fear that it would not be granted him, prompted Davie to order one from a beautifully colored catalogue.

The pistol arrived by mail on December 5th and Davie hastened to his room with his prize. Meanwhile the Norlina police learned of Davie’s acquisition and searched his room. They found the new pistol, a razor and a half pint bottle of whiskey, which they confiscated.

Davie was arrested on two charges and was given a hearing before Mayor L.J Overby of Norlina, who bound him over to the Recorder’s Court.

At the trial before Recorder Rowell on Monday, Davie explained how he happened to have the pistol. The whiskey, he said, was intended for medicinal purposes as he had had a touch of the “flu.” Being a full grown man with growing hair, he maintained that he was entitled use his own razor, barbers to the contrary.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Thursday, Dec. 20, 1923

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