
Friday, December 22, 2023

Norwood Fire Destroys Furniture and Grocery Stores, Dec. 20, 1923

Fire Loss at Norwood Runs Into Thousands of Dollars

Norwood, Dec. 19—The fire which swept Norwood yesterday morning did a property damage of thousands of dollars. The furniture store of G.W. Stinson was a total loss. Mr. and Mrs. Stinson owned the two stores in which the furniture house was located. Estimated loss on the furniture and stores is $15,000 with $1,500 insurance.

Besides the furniture store, other losses and damages consisted of the building in which Crump Duke did a small grocery business, which was totally destroyed, no insurance. The Campbell building, which is located on the same street and right by the Stinson buildings, was badly damaged and for a while it was feared that it could not be saved. The Albemarle fire department came down and made quick work, thereby helping to save the Campbell building and the Norwood Feed and Sales stables, which building is owned by D.N. Bennett. The flame was so violent at one time that many thought with he lack of water and a fire department the whole lower Main street would be burned. The Royal café, Guion’s pharmacy and the Norwood post office had the job of moving all goods, supplies and fixtures and then carrying them back.

The Campbell building is badly smoked and begrimed, and the lower wall may be damaged on account of excessive heat. But the drug store and café do not feel that their loss is great, except for the jolt given when moving and replacing things.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Thursday, Dec. 20, 1923

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