
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Bessie Johnson Shares St. Paul News, Jan. 24, 1924

St. Paul News. . . Much Interest in Union Evangelistic Meetings—Circle, Meetings—Week of Prayer—Personal

By Bessie G. Johnson

St. Paul, Jan. 22—The “Missionary Basket” meeting will be held Friday afternoon at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. Will H. Howard, Armfield street.

Mrs. B.I. Thomas of Broadway arrived last Sunday night for a visit to her son-in-law and daughter, Supt. and Mrs. T.S. Teague, to the delight of her many friends here, where she has frequently visited.

The union evangelistic meeting which is being conducted by the laymen of Fayetteville was held in the Baptist church last week, while this week the services are conducted at the Methodist church on Broad street. Large crowds have been in attendance at these meetings and much interest is being manifested. “Neighborhood” prayer meetings are held daily in various sections of the town. The ladies of this section have been meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. W.D. Johnson, except Tuesday and Friday, when they meet jointly with the local ladies at the club rooms. Beginning tomorrow morning, however, instead of meeting with the former Mrs. Johnson they have been invited to meet with us in our home on West Broad street.

This extreme cold weather makes it rather hard on newspaper reporters, and news seems somewhat “hum” anyway these days; but when “such is the case” we always feel in sympathy with our editor, for ‘tis then he needs our co-operation, if ever, as the various news letters of the correspondents help much in the making of our “county’s best.”

Mrs. D.S. McEachern and little son, William Alexander, who spent several days visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blue at Raeford, returned home last Friday afternoon.

Circles No. 1, 2 and 3 of the woman’s auxiliary met Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the homes of Mesdames W.D. Johnson, J.A. McGeachy and J.D. McCormick, respectively. Interesting programs were rendered at each. February being the regular time for home mission study, the circle meetings will be suspended until the month following, their places of meeting to be announced later.

Week of prayer was observed by the ladies of the Baptist church last week, at which place the meetings were held.

Miss Ruby Patterson of Fayetteville was a guest last Sunday in the home of Mrs. L.F. Nance. Miss Patterson entertained her hearers with a splendid talk on Sunday school work on this occasion. Quite a number gathered at the Baptist church to hear her. A Miss Hilliard from Raleigh, who was present Saturday night and Sunday, was also accorded a very warm welcome among a number of friends here.

Mr. A.R. McEachern left yesterday for Charlotte to attend a meeting of the board of trustees of Barium Springs orphanage and is expected to return today.

Miss Grace Butler, who is a student at Meredith college, Raleigh, was a delightful week-end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Butler.

Friends of Miss Pearle Howard were glad to have her come over from Fayetteville Saturday night, spending Sunday in the home of her brother, Mr. A.C. Howard on Broad street.

Miss Mattie McArthur of the local school faculty spent the week-end with her people near McMillan’s Siding.

Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Stevens of Raeford were guests Sunday in the home of Mrs. Stevens’ sister, Mrs. Hal Harrington.

Born Sunday, 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie A. Inman, an 8-pound girl, Elizabeth Alice. Mrs. Inman was Miss Ruth Odom, granddaughter of the late Archie Odom.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Thursday, Jan. 24, 1924

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