
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Buie News from The Robesonian, Jan. 24, 1924

Buie News Batch. . . Farming Operations—Lumberton’s Growth Credit to County—Coast Line Preparing for Double Track—Personal

By W.H.M. Brown

Buie, Jan. 22—Farmers through this section are making some headway in preparing their land for another crop. The cold and rainy days hold back the work to some extent, but as the warm days make their appearance it is no trouble to note the progress being made on the different farms. It is most certain that another large crop of cotton will be planted through this section, although many will profit by past experience and provide at least for their own household, by planting enough of their land in corn, potatoes, peas, oats, and foostuff to supply their own needs. A considerable amount of lime is being hauled away from Buie to the various farms in the community. More of it will probably be used than in past years.

Mr. Rowland Stanton, who moved to this section from Clarkton several days ago, is occupying the residence of his father, the late J.A. Stanton. Friends are glad to welcome Mr. Stanton in the community.

Messrs. I.P. Ray, W.H. Adams and Paul McNeill left Sunday for a trip to Cuba. It is most likely they will be away for several days.

Friends of Rev. N.L. Seabolt are glad to know that he is back at Lumberton. While serving the same charge several years ago Mr. Seabolt filled the pulpit of the M.E. church at Buie for four years most acceptably, and while here made a host of friends through this section.

The continual growth of Lumberton should be cause for appreciation on the part of the people throughout Robeson. Lumberton being the county seat is a good reason for all Robesonians to be interested in the town. It may yet be one of the largest cities in North Carolina.

At the district conference at Aberdeen last June St. Pauls was decided upon as the next place to hold the district conference, which is held each June, usually lasting three or four days. That of course means that preachers and laymen will be there from all over the district.

A box supper was given at Philadelphus high school last Friday night, the proceeds from the sale of the boxes going to the basketball team.

Rev. Paul T. Britt of Lumberton filled his appointment here Sunday, preaching both morning and night. The subject on Sunday night was finding oneself, giving an illustration of the prodigal son.

Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Parnell of St. Paul were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Melvin.

Messrs. Bynum Ca?? Lewis and Delmus Prevatte of Pembroke attended preaching here Sunday night.

Rev. Paul T. Britt spent Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Britt.

A force of railroad hands is here doing concrete and trestle work on the bridges near here, widening out the road-bed for the extra track, that is expected to soon be laid. Some telegraph poles have been moved further from the present track, giving more room for the new track. It is now expected that within a year the double-track system of the railroad will be in operation through this section.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Thursday, Jan. 24, 1924

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