
Thursday, January 25, 2024

News from Burningtown in The Franklin Press, Jan. 25, 1924

Burningtown News

Mr. Henry Hall had the misfortune of getting his leg broken the other day. We hope he will be out again soon.

Mrs. Lilie Yonce and two little daughters, Sallie and Blanche, spent the week end in Iota visiting her sister, Mrs. Ham Fouts.

Mrs. Etta Welch was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hall Tuesday.

Sorry to hear of Miss Elizabeth Yonce being seriously ill. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Mr. Earlie Daves was visiting Mr. Granville Yonce Sunday night.

Mr. Jack Cansler from Iotla was visiting in this section Sunday.

Misses Mary Welch and Ethel Teague had returned to Franklin, where they are attending school.

Sorry to report that there are a few cases of measles in this community.

Dr. Lyle was in this section last Friday visiting the sick people.

Mrs. Hester Welch was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mamie Hall, Tuesday.

Miss Nina Ray of Oak Dale passed through this section Tuesday.

Mr. Harve Roper and little brother, Frank, from Cowee, were visiting their aunt, Mrs. Amanda Yonce, one day last week.

Miss Birdie Yonce was visiting Miss Gertrude Hall last Sunday.

Mr. Joseph Yonce was visiting his sister, Miss Elizabeth Yonce, who is sick, Tuesday night.

From page 2 of The Franklin Press, Jan. 25, 1924. This column was written by “Mama Lady.”

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