
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Poplar Cove in The Franklin Press, Jan. 25, 1924

Poplar Cove News

We are having some cold weather at this writing.

Mrs. Henry Greenwood spent Sunday with Mrs. B.H. Huscusson.

Mr. Luther Dills of Anderson Creek was visiting Mr. B.H. Huscusson Sunday.

Mr. Ruie Brown and family are spending a few days with home folks.

Mr. Zeb Anderson of Anderson Creek was visiting in this section Sunday.

Mrs. M.L. Lane has been on the sick list for the past week. We are glad to know that she is improving some.

Misses Ellen and Carrie Corpening made a trip to Mr. Bob Williamson’s one day the past week.

Mr. Willie Huscusson made a trip to the city one day the past week.

Mr. Willie Anderson has moved into his new home near Mr. Bob Anderson’s.

From page 2 of The Franklin Press, Jan. 25, 1924

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