
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Oak Grove Local News, Jan. 25, 1924

Oak Grove Locals

We are sorry to learn of Mr. W.M. Breedlove being sick. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Mr. Arvin Raby left last week for Virginia, where he will work a while.

Miss Fern Martin has been visiting relatives at Franklin the past week.

Mrs. Norman Houston of Rose Creek has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Arvey, the past week.

Mr. Jess Burnett has returned home from Forney, where he has been at work. Mr. Jud Icenhower made a trip to Franklin last week.

Mrs. Hilda McLaughin has returned home from East La Porte, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jack Jones.

Mr. W.A. Anderson was visiting Mr. E.M. Truitt last week.

Mr. Charles Truitt has returned home from Cowee, where he has been visiting home folks.

Dr. S.H. Lyle was in our section last Sunday.

Rev. Truitt delivered an interesting sermon at the River View Methodist church Sunday.

Mr. Tom Queen made a business trip to Leatherman Monday.

Mr. Jim Hughes of Rose Creek was at Oak Grove Tuesday.

Mr. W.M. Breedlove’s son from Almond, N.C., has been spending the past few days with his father.

The many friends of Miss Harriett Arvey will be glad to know that she is able to be out again.

Mrs. Lon Tippett has been on the sick list for the past few days. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Mr. Will Lakey has been very sick for some time, though he is improving some at this writing.

From page 2 of The Franklin Press, Jan. 25, 1924

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