
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Press Correspondent Shares News from Highlands, Jan. 25, 1924

News of Week of Highlands. . . Brief Items of Interest from Macon’s Pretty Mountain City as Told by Correspondent of The Press

By Winnie Winkle

On January 17th, Miss Evelyn E. Cleaveland entertained a number of friends with a card party. Everyone had a delightful time.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Baty gave a party January 19th in honor of Miss Pearl Craine and Miss Winifred Pierson. Many old-fashioned games were played. Cake and iced tea were served for refreshments. An enjoyable time was had by all.

Mr. Carl H. Zoellner has been seriously ill but is recovering quite rapidly.

Highlands has experienced some more zero weather this week. Most of the men expect to cut ice if this sort of weather continues.

Miss Marian H. Munger returned to Highlands from Seneca, S.C., January 14th and is going to go to school here for the remainder of the term.

Mrs. Annie W. Pierson is still at the Johns Hopkins Hospital but it is reported that she will be able to return home in a few weeks.

Mrs. Henry Stewart and three younger children left Highlands on January 19th for Norfolk, Va., where they expect to make their future home with the rest of the family.

Mrs. John C. Munger left Highlands January 8th for Denver, Colo. She has spent several months with relatives here.

Miss Evelyn E. Cleaveland spent the night in the country with Miss Marian H. Munger January 22nd.

Mr. F.H. Potts has begun excavating the cellar of the house which he intends to build between the Dillard and Wahalla roads.

Highlands’ Baptist Sunday School is growing every Sunday. They average between 75 and 80. The members are thinking of building more to the church.

We are glad to have Miss Margaret Rogers of Franklin as a teacher in the Highlands school. We hope that she will be able to remain with us until the end of the year.

Miss Dorothy Hall took Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Williams’ place in the telephone exchange as operator on January 15th.

Miss Sarah Hicks Hines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Hines, left Highlands Friday, January 1?th, for Andrews, N.C., where she expects to live with relatives and attend school there.

Mr. Thos. B. Crunkleton and Mr. A.C. Holt are building an automobile road for a party which expects to build at the back of Horse Shoe mountain.

Mr. Woodruff left Highlands January 19th for Atlanta. He expects to return to Highlands with his wife soon.

From page 2 of The Franklin Press, Jan. 25, 1924.

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