
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

News From Corinth, Eastern Neighbors, in Chatham Record, Jan. 2, 1924

Wedding Around Corinth. . . Local and Personal News of Eastern Neighbors

Corinth, Dec. 31---"Chatham County Home One of the Best in the State” This headline of an article in Public Welfare Progress. Some jump from one of the poorest homes to one of the best homes in two years. Another striking instance of the fact that what the people of Chatham County or any other community want bad enough is what they will have.

Mrs. J.A. Jones and Miss Gertrude Yearly of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Nash.

T.V. Sexton and family are back at Buckhorn after a two weeks vacation.

Miss Georgia Alexander of Washington, D.C., spent Christmas week with her aunt, Mrs. F.M. Nash at Buckhorn.

Miss Marie Phillips came in Monday morning to take up the work as grade teacher in the Corinth school. This is the place left vacant by the resignation of Miss Audrey Maynard of Apex.

Miss Carrie Lee Cross spent the week-end with Misses Tula and Reffie Mims at Merry Oaks.

Mr. Roy Cole, who is teaching at Sparta, spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. D.A. Clark.

Mr. S.W. Harrington spent the week at Clifton Forge, Va., visiting his daughter, Mrs. E.F. Drewery.

Mrs. L. G. Wilder, whose husband is bridge foreman on the N. and S., is spending a few days with Mrs. S.W. Harrington.

Mr. K. Alligood spent the week-end at Mt. Gilead.

Mr. T.H. Buchanan and family spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. R.S. Ashworth, at Fuquay Springs.

We have had weddings and rumors of weddings galore for the past two weeks.

First, our neighbor R.W. McDonald, was married to Miss Spence of Fuquay Springs on December 25. They will make their home on their farm near Truth.

Then, if present rumors can be verified, we will next week extend our congratulations to about three more couples in the community.

Mrs. W.A. Allen of Charlotte and Mrs. L.G. Morgan of Raleigh are spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Clark.

From the front page of The Chatham Record, Pittsboro, N.C., Jan. 2, 1924 New

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