
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Bertha Wilson, Durham, Is Popular Writer of the Day in 1924

Local Girl Makes a Big Reputation. . . Miss Bertha Wilson Ranks as One of Most Popular Writers of the Day

Durham has produced many men and women who have made their marks in the business and professional world. They have gone out into all sections of the country and have taken their places in the communities, now occupying high places in esteem and power in their sections. Durham also has a journalist who has made a great mark, although very few know it. Articles from her pen have been published in many of the magazines of the nation and particularly in the Theatre magazine. She has interviewed many notables in the theatrical profession as well as in others.

This woman is the daughter of Mrs. A. Wilson, who resides on North Mangum street. Miss Wilson went to New York City some years ago to take up the study of art. Later she entered into the field of journalism and today her name appears in many magazines. She is also writing for one of the big newspaper syndicates on “What’s the Matter With Women?” which will appear in many of the newspapers in the land. She has probably interviewed more celebrities than any American writer, according to an article seen here.

She has served on the staff of Life, the New York Herald and is now a regular contributor to the Theatre magazine, Smart Set, Metropolitan, Physical Culture, The New York Tribune and others. She writes under the name of B.F. Wilson.

From the first page of the second section of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Feb. 24, 1924

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