
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Miss Grace Maxwell to Replace Miss Frances Johnston, Feb. 24, 1924

Cafeteria Head Has Been Secured. . . Miss Grace Maxwell of Alabama to Take Charge of Y.W.C.A. CafeteriaCafeteria Head Has Been Secured. . . Miss Grace Maxwell of Alabama to Take Charge of Y.W.C.A. Cafeteria

Miss Grace Maxwell of Union Grove, Ala., has been employed by the board of directors of the Y.W.C.A. to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Frances Johnston, who has gone into the cafeteria business for herself in Chapel Hill.

Miss Maxwell will arrive at Durham to assume the responsibilities of her position as director of the cafeteria on Monday, March 3rd. In the meantime, Mrs. T.A. Winder is in charge of the cafeteria. Miss Maxwell comes to Durham well recommended by the personal division of the national Y.W.C.A. because of her successful management of other Y.W.C.A. cafeterias in South Carolin and in Denver, Col. Miss Maxwell is well equipped to assume the management of the Durham cafeteria and will keep up the high standard of food and service that the cafeteria has always maintained since its organization, it is declared.

From the first page of the second section of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Feb. 24, 1924

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